Thursday, May 3, 2012

California Comfort with Raspberry Scones

Good morning.

A chilly rain falls relentlessly, but you and I are now breakfasting in a gorgeous Jamie Durie [Love his spaces] outdoor design somewhere in California where the sun is shining, the breeze is tepidly soothing and our coffee [cappuccino, latte, hot chocolate, tea, Bellini, Bloody Mary...] is hot enough to warm us from the inside out.

My vision: - Go to picture #5 - not a bad start right?

As I was planning our breakfast visit last night, I realized that this virtual moment can be what ever I [and you] want it to be.  That also meant, that I could wear couture if I wished, instead of the pant scrubs from my last job and a warm cozy beat-up sweatshirt.  Suddenly, having breakfast anywhere to visit became excitingly limitless.

So, on that note, as I was thumbing through Country Living magazine [May 2012] before bed, I noticed on the inside cover, a flooring ad with a model wearing an eye-catching luxuriously Divine fuscia halter gown gushing with soft layers from the waist down.  I decided, THAT was what I would wear to breakfast today -  this without uncomfortable shoes, fancy jewels, or make-up, just me cleaned up and feeling fresh and glamorous in THAT dress.  [Sorry no pic on that one.]

What do you want to wear to our visit today?

I imagined that we could have some delicious [yes, I spelled it correctly this time...] raspberry scones - recipe c/o Alton Brown [] to go with our beverages.  Now that we have our venue, drinks, outfits and food all picked out...what was the best part of your yesterday? 

In hindsight, I realize now that if we are having breakfast everyday, our 'best shared moments' would be from the day before ..... I guess I'm not as organized as I thought when I planned the intent of this blog, but let's just go with the flow ;)

Beside being completely content with seeing that I didn't know where the spellcheck or edit button was on my first post...yesterday was a great day.  I was lucky enough to have several 'best moments', but the topper was the feeling that I got just signing up for this blog.  I felt proud of myself.  That doesn't happen as often as I would like.  Not that starting a blog is difficult, but if you like to write, and you are a constant internal editor like me, then you understand that this was a bit of a feat. 

I have notebooks scattered [another sign of disorganization....I'm seeing a theme here] with notes and stories - some finished, some not, and a secret dream [do you have a secret dream?] to publish something worth being read.  THAT part is the scariest - it's like being dumped by a cruise liner [my imagination] into vast ocean [business of publishing] with a small life raft [my knowledge about the industry].  So this is a bigggggg step in navigating those waters.  At least I'm writing and sharing it.

Maybe a good step forward would be to start putting all my 'notes' into one place - not all my 'notebooks' into one pile! 

I can't wait to hear from you and read about your best moments....enjoy this day!


  1. I typed out a beautiful message and I think it is now lost in the far regions of the internet...oh well. I was so inspired by your words and am proud of your fearlessness to move forward into the space outside of the box. Best part of my day...I began working on my next big routine, hopefully I'll make the cut. xoxo

    1. I am soooo excited you posted Summer. Great to see you here and thank you for your compliments, especially, since YOU are one of the very special and inspiring ladies that helped me make the decision to move ahead!! I know you will make the 'cut' b/c you are AMAZING!!! Keep me posted....and please visit often - next time we will find your post and it will be here for all to relish! xo
